Compressed Gas on Hand – Fill the Nitropak at the shop and have enough compressed gas for a day or more. It is easy to fill with the included hoses. Simply pressurize it until it is full and then disconnect the hose.
Organized and Easily Portable – Includes storage for hoses, adapters and a pressure gauge. There is a bag to hold hoses and adapters and a pocket to hold a pressure gauge as well.
Excellent for Hazardous Locations – Because the Nitropak has no electronics in it there are no issues with using in North American Class 1, Division 1 or 2 locations, ATEX or IECEX Zone 0,1 or 2 locations with the Nitropak.
Easy to Carry in Remote Locations – Great for remote locations such as far off a road, up in a tower, etc. With a carbon fiber cylinder and ABS plastic case with ergonomic handle the Nitropak is easy to carry up in towers or to take to remote locations for calibration.
Do Differential and Static Calibration in the Field – Use the fine adjust piston alone to create pressure up to 400 inH20 (400 mbar). Use the compressed gas from the internal cylinder to go to pressures from 400 inH20 to 3000 psi (200 bar).